Ginger Cookies

With their warm, aromatic flavour, ginger biscuits are the perfect choice to warm hearts and make your Christmas celebrations even sweeter, especially when paired with a glass of Port. Taylor...

With their warm, aromatic flavour, ginger biscuits are the perfect choice to warm hearts and make your Christmas celebrations even sweeter, especially when paired with a glass of Port. Taylor Fladgate's 10-Year-Old Tawny is an excellent choice to accompany these delicious cookies.

ready in

1 to 1.5 hours

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Rate it


2,5 kg de beurre non salé
1,6 kg de sucre blanc
2 kg de miel
20 œufs
6 kg de farine de blé T55
1 kg de levure chimique
0.005kg Gingembre en poudre
3.5kg Orange
3.5kg Citron
0.010 kg Graines de cardamome
0.007 kg Clous de girofle
0.012 kg Cannelle en poudre


  • Recover the zest from the oranges and lemons, micro-plate finely.
  • Add the sugar, butter, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon to the bowl of the mixer.
  • Use the paddle attachment to beat the mixture until it becomes an ointment-like texture.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until the dough is smooth.
  • Remove from the tin and roll out between two sheets of greaseproof paper.
  • Refrigerate.
  • Once the dough has firmed up, cut into biscuit shapes.
  • Place on a perforated baking tray and bake in the oven.
  • 160 degrees, fan 3, approximately 11 minutes. 3, approximately 11 minutes. 
  • Leave to cool, put in bag. Store.