Corporate Responsibility
Taylor Fladgate is part of The Fladgate Partnership, a family-run business group committed to responsible corporate citizenship and the promotion of human rights and social responsibility through ethical management.
We endeavour to run our business in an honest and ethically correct way, prioritising the safety of our employees and customers, environmental protection and the quality of our products in our decision-making processes.
We are committed to promoting the well-being of our employees, creating a safe, healthy and inclusive working environment and maintaining a sustained training and skills development programme. It is our policy to support the communities where our operations are located, in addition to initiatives such as the Golden Vine Awards, which aim to promote diversity, inclusion and education in the global wine community, supporting the study of wine as something that transcends borders and cultures.
We are committed to minimising the impact of our business on the environment and adopting environmentally sustainable methods and techniques wherever possible. In addition to our award-winning sustainable vineyard model, our group has made progress in the fields of renewable energy, waste management and effluent treatment and is committed to monitoring and improving results in these and other areas on an ongoing basis.
We have been members of the Sedex Organisation since 2005.
Our accreditations include ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety, IFS Food and Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit. Our facilities and systems are subject to regular external audits, inspections and evaluations.
A full list of certifications and accreditations held by the group and its operating companies can be obtained on request via the following email address:
Company Name: Quinta and Vineyard Bottlers - Vinhos S.A.
VAT: 503885428